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October Jottings

The Council has a new Chairman and two new Vice Chairmen. 

We are pleased to announce that Councillor Barbara McArdle has taken over from Councillor Carol Lloyd as Chairman, and Councillors Jonathan Sheldon and David Dickson have taken over as joint Vice Chairmen from Councillor John Perks. 

Repton Parish Council have made the decision to hold virtual meetings via Zoom until at least the end of this financial year. 

The meetings are open to the public and information on accessing them can be found on the council website and on the council notice boards.

Repton School:

Sarah Tennant representing Repton School was present at the council meeting and assured all that they are still very focused on working with the community to ensure that pupils are following the government guidelines around the village.


The council has submitted an objection to the erection of a dwelling on land to the rear of 24 High Street due to its domination over the neighbouring property, which goes against the Repton Neighbourhood Development Plan.


The district council are clearing away any issues reported to them quickly.  Should anybody spot any fly-tipping please report to South Derbyshire District Council.

Refuse Collection:

Occasionally some bins are missed due to the Covid restrictions the staff are working under.  The district council has advised if you leave your bins out they will endeavour to empty them the next day.

Village Maintenance:

The planters near to the Repton Cross are due to be refilled with winter plants in the next few weeks.

Remembrance Day: Due to the Covid restrictions the usual event will not be able to be held.  Vice Chairman Sheldon will represent the council and will be laying a wreath at the memorial on the 11th November 2020.

Broomhills Playing Fields:

The perimeter fence has been made safe and the notice boards taken down for safety reasons.  The notice boards will be re-sited ensuring they are away from the playing pitches for safety reasons.

Burial Ground:

One of the benches in the burial ground is unsafe and will now be removed.  There are still other benches available for all to use.

Christmas Tree:

The council is working again with the WI and Repton School on the plans for this year’s Christmas tree.  Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions there will not be a switch on event for the lights, the tree however will be in the same position as last year by Kindersley gate, for all to enjoy.