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November Updates

Remembrance Day: Councillor Sheldon presented a wreath for the Parish Council and one on behalf of the South Derbyshire District Council at the war memorial on Sunday 8th November.  He represented both Councils to ensure that the strict Covid-19 rules were adhered to.  The silk poppy display on the Repton Cross has been completed by two volunteers, who have been thanked by the Council for ensuring that the display is one to make the village proud.

Repton School:  Sarah Tennant representing Repton School was present at the council meeting on 9 November. She advised that the school’s students went into lockdown a few days ahead of the national one.  This means that they are not allowed to visit the Spar, butchers or takeaway shops.  They can visit the Post Office with the permission of their house master.  As there are public rights of way through the school property they are also being very cautious when out walking on school grounds.  The school has taken the decision to break up for Christmas early on the 8th December to allow the students two clear weeks before Christmas.  She assured us that the level of Covid within the school was favourable compared to other schools in the region.

Refuse Collection: Occasionally some bins are missed due to the Covid restrictions the staff are working under.  The district council have taken on a new team to assist with the collections.  They still advise if you leave your bins out they will endeavour to empty them the next day if they are missed.

District Councillors: District Councillors Kerry Haines and Andrew Churchill are to hold a virtual surgery  on the 2nd December 2020  between 19:00 – 20:30.  

Christmas Tree: The council is working again with the WI and Repton School on the plans for this year’s Christmas tree.  Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions there will not be a switch on event for the lights, the tree however will be in the same position as last year by Kindersley gate, for all to enjoy.

New Arboretum: All the trees have now been planted.  We are so pleased that so many have supported the new site, and special thanks should go to Councillor Tony Brown who has done the organisation.

Highways.  Contact has been made with Derbyshire County Council regarding removal of the A boards at the Cross; the incorrect parking signs on High Street and the new village sign on Main Street.  We are awaiting their reply.  

You can contact Caroline Crowder – Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer at Repton Parish Council, Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, Derbyshire, DE65 6GR.  Telephone: 01283 701309 Mobile: 07341 907137 or email

There is a virtual Parish Council Meeting planned for Monday 14th December 2020 at 19:30.  Information on accessing the meeting will be found on the website and the council notice boards.