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November Updates

Remembrance Day: Councillor Sheldon presented a wreath for the Parish Council and one on behalf of the South Derbyshire District Council at the war memorial on Sunday 8th November.  He represented both Councils to ensure that the strict Covid-19 rules were adhered to.  The silk poppy display on the Repton Cross has been completed by two volunteers, who have been thanked by the Council for ensuring that the display is one to make the village proud.

Repton School:  Sarah Tennant representing Repton School was present at the council meeting on 9 November. She advised that the school’s students went into lockdown a few days ahead of the national one.  This means that they are not allowed to visit the Spar, butchers or takeaway shops.  They can visit the Post Office with the permission of their house master.  As there are public rights of way through the school property they are also being very cautious when out walking on school grounds.  The school has taken the decision to break up for Christmas early on the 8th December to allow the students two clear weeks before Christmas.  She assured us that the level of Covid within the school was favourable compared to other schools in the region.

Refuse Collection: Occasionally some bins are missed due to the Covid restrictions the staff are working under.  The district council have taken on a new team to assist with the collections.  They still advise if you leave your bins out they will endeavour to empty them the next day if they are missed.

District Councillors: District Councillors Kerry Haines and Andrew Churchill are to hold a virtual surgery  on the 2nd December 2020  between 19:00 – 20:30.  

Christmas Tree: The council is working again with the WI and Repton School on the plans for this year’s Christmas tree.  Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions there will not be a switch on event for the lights, the tree however will be in the same position as last year by Kindersley gate, for all to enjoy.

New Arboretum: All the trees have now been planted.  We are so pleased that so many have supported the new site, and special thanks should go to Councillor Tony Brown who has done the organisation.

Highways.  Contact has been made with Derbyshire County Council regarding removal of the A boards at the Cross; the incorrect parking signs on High Street and the new village sign on Main Street.  We are awaiting their reply.  

You can contact Caroline Crowder – Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer at Repton Parish Council, Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, Derbyshire, DE65 6GR.  Telephone: 01283 701309 Mobile: 07341 907137 or email

There is a virtual Parish Council Meeting planned for Monday 14th December 2020 at 19:30.  Information on accessing the meeting will be found on the website and the council notice boards.

October Jottings

The Council has a new Chairman and two new Vice Chairmen. 

We are pleased to announce that Councillor Barbara McArdle has taken over from Councillor Carol Lloyd as Chairman, and Councillors Jonathan Sheldon and David Dickson have taken over as joint Vice Chairmen from Councillor John Perks. 

Repton Parish Council have made the decision to hold virtual meetings via Zoom until at least the end of this financial year. 

The meetings are open to the public and information on accessing them can be found on the council website and on the council notice boards.

Repton School:

Sarah Tennant representing Repton School was present at the council meeting and assured all that they are still very focused on working with the community to ensure that pupils are following the government guidelines around the village.


The council has submitted an objection to the erection of a dwelling on land to the rear of 24 High Street due to its domination over the neighbouring property, which goes against the Repton Neighbourhood Development Plan.


The district council are clearing away any issues reported to them quickly.  Should anybody spot any fly-tipping please report to South Derbyshire District Council.

Refuse Collection:

Occasionally some bins are missed due to the Covid restrictions the staff are working under.  The district council has advised if you leave your bins out they will endeavour to empty them the next day.

Village Maintenance:

The planters near to the Repton Cross are due to be refilled with winter plants in the next few weeks.

Remembrance Day: Due to the Covid restrictions the usual event will not be able to be held.  Vice Chairman Sheldon will represent the council and will be laying a wreath at the memorial on the 11th November 2020.

Broomhills Playing Fields:

The perimeter fence has been made safe and the notice boards taken down for safety reasons.  The notice boards will be re-sited ensuring they are away from the playing pitches for safety reasons.

Burial Ground:

One of the benches in the burial ground is unsafe and will now be removed.  There are still other benches available for all to use.

Christmas Tree:

The council is working again with the WI and Repton School on the plans for this year’s Christmas tree.  Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions there will not be a switch on event for the lights, the tree however will be in the same position as last year by Kindersley gate, for all to enjoy.

Derbyshire County Council’s household waste and recycling centres reopen

Derbyshire County Council’s household waste recycling centres including the one at Park Road, Newhall have now reopened.

We are asked not to use any centres unless it is absolutely necessary and you have items that you cannot continue to store at home.

A new access system is now in place:

  • Vehicles with 0, 2, 4, 6, 8 as the last number on the registration plate will be allowed in on even-numbered days
  • Vehicles with 1, 3, 5, 7 and 9 as the last number on the registration plate will be allowed in on odd-numbered days.

For more details see the information on the Derbyshire County Council website: Household waste recycling centres.

Help from Derbyshire County Council

The following is a message from Derbyshire County Council:

Our Community Response Unit is now ready to take requests for assistance from members of the community who don’t have friends or family able to help them.

Help is available for people across the county if they are:

** Self-isolating because either themselves or a member of the household is at risk
** Struggling to meet basic needs because of financial, social or health restrictions
** Pregnant
** Have underlying health conditions
** Aged 70 or over.

Volunteers from over 200 different organisations will be able to help with shopping, fetching prescriptions or offering a befriending service. Volunteers could be asked to help with food shopping and delivery, checking up on people who are isolated with a phone call or online help to prevent loneliness and check whether there is anything they need, or collecting and delivering prescriptions.

How to get help

Residents needing help should visit the Community Response Unit information on our website or phone 01629 535091. At this stage the phone line will only be available Monday to Friday 9am to 5pm and Saturdays 9am to 1pm.

How to give help

Organisations are still looking to recruit more volunteers. Anyone who wants to help and is aged 18 to 70 and fit and well should also visit the Community Response Unit information on our website to register their interest.

Some organisations are looking for volunteers to offer a befriending telephone service, so anyone who wants to help but can’t leave their house could offer this kind of assistance.  

Repton Community Group; Covid 19

Hopefully now every household in Repton, Bretby, Newton Solney and Milton are aware that a support group has formed to get us all through Covid 19.

The amount of help, ideas and care offered by so many in our community is astounding and humbling.  Thank you everyone. 

This will be an ever-changing picture in the coming months and the issues will alter frequently.  We are a network of over 100 local residents who are in touch with each other to adapt to whatever community needs we have. 

Please note – we are not medical practitioners, nor are we a charity.  We do not give advice about how to manage the Covid 19.  We must all follow the Government Guidelines.

Many of you will already have a trusted person you talk to – from Evergreens, Lunch Group, WI, Coffee Morning, Church, neighbours, family, friends etc.  Do continue to talk to these and help each other. 

If there is something you can’t ask them for or you can’t manage between you, call the person whose number has been posted through your door or one of the numbers at the bottom of the page. 

We will be doing our best to ensure that no one is left isolated and in need and that opportunities for all of us to be exploited are minimised for example around paying for shopping. 

In addition, if anyone (volunteer or isolated person) should feel uncomfortable whilst dealing with any individual please contact a member of the Action Team (detailed below).

Below are names and numbers of the Action Team, the areas they cover and the Lead Volunteer for each area:

Action Team Member Areas Covered
07941 063395
Brook End
Monsom Lane
Boot Hill  

Milton Road
Clay Fields  

Saxon Croft
Burdette Way  

Main Street
Forge Close
Broomhills Lane
Stratford Close  

Teachers offering support  
07730 051969
Bretby Lane
Gravel Pit to Knight’s Lane to Robin’s Cross Lane and Red Lane  

Newton Solney  

Top of Burton to Chestnut Way (but not including Chestnut Way)  

Bottom of Burton Road from Chestnut Way
Mitre Drive
Willington Road  
07941 063395
Hill View
Meadow Close  
07966 916456
High Street
Well Lane
Spinney Lodge
The Pastures  
07516 454628
Askew Grove
Fisher Close
The Crescent
Springfield Road
Mount Pleasant (up to Ridgeway Farm)
Pinfold Lane
Pinfold Close
Wystan Court
Stratford Close
Main Street to the Bretby end of the village Chestnut Way

If you need any help (shopping, prescriptions, a phone call), in the first instance, please contact the name of person on the piece of paper or postcard that came through your door.  Please bear in mind that the personnel detailed above may well change as the weeks go by due to the virus.

If you have any ideas, please contact the Action Team Member for your area – or get on and action it yourself so long as you are following Government Guidelines regards Covid 19.

Government funding for flood victims.

The following is a Press Release from South Derbyshire MP Heather Wheeler.

Government opens financial Scheme for flood victims

After South Derbyshire has suffered considerable flooding, Heather Wheeler MP was able to confirm the Government has opened up a financial scheme to help residents and businesses that have flooded. This will be processed via the District Council.

In order to qualify more than 25 properties in South Derbyshire must have suffered internal damage. It is therefore important to now collate and document exactly where flooding of homes has occurred. We need to determine where the flood water came from and look for ways to try alleviate this in the future.

Additionally following storm Ciara, storm Denis and with the increasing possibility of further rain on the way Heather called for a meeting with the Chief executive of South Derbyshire District Council. She said “In view of the ongoing flooding problems I felt a meeting with Frank McArdle, Chief Executive of South Derbyshire District Council was essential in order for me to hear what Council staff have been able to do to help on the ground following storm Dennis and understand what lessons have been learnt following storm Ciara.

“He was able to tell me that from the moment we were advised of Storm Ciara teams began working round the clock to try to shore up flood defences to protect resident’s homes from flooding. Sadly, despite all of their efforts, a number of homes did flood and then the teams turned their full attention to helping with the clean-up. Sadly they had to repeat this cycle again because of Storm Dennis. This time SDDC had eight staff filling and delivering sandbags from 4pm to 10pm, with further late night call outs.”

Further Heather said “I will be having discussions with the Environment Agency regarding river flooding and what further defences can be put in place. Also, there are points where the drains simply cannot cope with the volume of water when we have downpours of rain and I am having a meeting with Derbyshire County Council to talk about what engineering work can be done to ensure the drains can cope.

“My heart goes out to everyone affected by flooding and I would like to thank the emergency services and Council staff for all their hard work. Please be assured I will be pushing all of the agencies involved to do everything necessary to try to ensure this is not a situation which keeps repeating itself. Sadly this is a multi-faceted issue and will not be solved overnight but as a Constituency we have been successful in receiving money for flood alleviation work before so I know, working together our authorities can bid again to make life better and safer for our residents and business in the future.”

If your property had flood water inside and you have not been in touch with SDDC please contact the Council on 01283 595795, alternatively email

Flooding Advice

Derbyshire County Council have issued the following advice to stay safe and be prepared in the event of flooding:

Stay Informed

·       Stay up to date with current flood warnings and weather warnings at: and:

Both of these service have text alert options.

·       Keep up to date with local media news reports.

Be prepared

·       Put vital items like insurance documents and medications in a waterproof bag in case you need to leave your home

·       Check you know how to turn off your gas, electricity and water mains supplies. If water starts coming into the property, turn off the power to the downstairs at the fusebox.

·       Take essentials upstairs – food, water, torch. Move children, pets and valuables upstairs. If you can, move furniture and furnishings upstairs. 

·       Move your vehicle to higher ground if it’s safe to do so.

·       You can make temporary flood defences by filling plastic bags or even pillowcases with soil or compost and placing them in front of doors and airbricks.

·       Block up external airbricks. You could use any sort of solid sheet such as plyboard or rigid plastic securely fastened to the external wall.

·       If you have time, take photos in case you need to make an insurance claim.  

Stay Safe

·       Keep an eye on neighbours. Be ready to help if you can.

·       Call 999 if you’re in immediate danger, particularly if there is anyone frail, vulnerable or disabled in the property.

·       Follow advice from the emergency services and evacuate if you’re told to do so.

·       Avoid driving or walking through flood water: just 30cm (1 foot) of fast flowing water could move your car and even shallow moving water can knock you off your feet

·       Keep family and pets away from floodwater – it probably contains sewage and chemicals and may contain heavy debris, sharp objects and invisible open manhole covers

·       Wash your hands if you’ve been in contact with flood water which may contain toxic substances