Please find details of the emergency road closure for Robins Cross Lane, Repton
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Please find details of the emergency road closure for Robins Cross Lane, Repton
You can view the order on this link
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Would you or someone you know, like to be involved in representing the Repton Parish? Repton Parish Council has a casual vacancy for one councillor, due to a resignation This now means that the vacancy can be filled by co-opting a councillor. This person would hold the post of Councillor until the next local elections which are due in May 2027 for the Repton Parish, which includes not only Repton but also Milton. The criteria below are the same for a Councillor that is voted in during an election or co-opted.
What is the Purpose of a Parish Councillor?
You are there to represent the views of all the residents within your parish. You will be responsible for the running of services the Council provide, such as the burial ground, allotments, arboreta and recreation facilities at Mitre Field and Broomhills recreation ground. You work to bring forward issues that are important to the residents that you represent and help to plan how the Parish Council can improve the Parish’s facilities. The Council are trying to improve Youth Facilities in the area at the moment. You can comment on planning applications in the area and represent the views of the residents that may be affected by the plans. You must be willing to represent the views of the whole community.
What criteria must you meet to be a Councillor?
What obligations are there?
What will be expected of you?
Repton Parish Council has 11 meetings per year; these are usually held on the second Monday of the month at 19:30 (excluding August). Usually held in Repton Village Hall, the October meeting is held in Milton Village Hall. You should attend as many of these as possible. You will be expected to have read the agenda and previous month’s minutes before the meeting. The meeting is your chance to present your views and that of the residents that you represent. Committee meetings are also held for Finance. The Council has various working groups that you should try and involve yourself with, hopefully these will encompass areas of the parish that you may already have an interest in. Please follow this link for a description and expectations of a Parish Councillor.
Still interested or think you may know someone that is?
Please follow the links for application forms and details of the co-option process or by contacting the Clerk, details shown below. Application forms need to be submitted to the Clerk no later than 6th March 2024. The co-option will occur at the March 2024 meeting, which will be held on 11th March 2024 in the meeting room at Repton Village Hall.
Any queries please contact the Clerk on 07341 907137 or or speak to any of the Councillors.
To be held on Monday 11th March, 2024 in the Scout Hut on Mitre Field 3pm – 4.30pm. All interested parties are invited to attend to view plans and put questions to Councillors and a track consultant. For anyone unable to attend or wishes to discuss further, this is an item on the Annual Parish Meeting agenda to be held at 19:00 on the same day (11/3/24) in the Village Hall Meeting Room.
South Derbyshire District Council share a whole host of Community Safety related articles/ campaigns/ advice etc. on their Facebook page and residents can also message the Communities Team via messenger directly from the page with any questions or queries.
Alternatively, residents can always email the Communities Team via the Community Safety inbox ( or to (, or tel: 07990 390060
You can view the order on this link
The Local Government Boundary Commission for England has published draft recommendations for new divisions, division boundaries, and division names for Derbyshire. They are now inviting comments on those recommendations. Their consultation closes on 1 April 2024. If you wish to view the details please use the link.
Please find details of the proposed road closure for Greysich Lane, Bretby.
You can view the order on this link
For any queries please email
Please find details of the proposed road closure for Unnamed Section Of C241 Between Ingleby Lane And Main Street, Milton.
You can view the order on this link
For any queries please email
Repton Parish Council will be at the Community Day, pop along to chat to some of your Parish Councillors