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November 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in November

 Allotments

We currently do not have a waiting list for the allotment plots, which are often returned during the winter months, or at renewal time in January. Should you wish to be considered for an allotment plot and live in Repton or Milton please contact me and I can add your name to the list. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Public Toilets in Repton

There are no longer any public toilets in Repton, however for several years the Bull’s Head has kindly entered into an agreement with the Parish Council to allow members of the public to use the toilet facilities it provides, during their usual opening hours. The Parish Council wishes to thank the management of The Bull’s Head for providing this service for local residents.

 Broomhills Pavilion and Field

The Parish Council has now submitted the application to South Derbyshire District Council for additional funding to improve and renovate the pavilion and we would welcome interest from any local groups who are keen in developing new clubs and activities, funding may be available to help with the initial development. If you know of any clubs or groups please ask them to contact the Parish Council to discuss their requirements.
Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Footpaths 13 & 14, Meadow Lane towards Twyford

Many thanks if you have already contacted us regarding this route, however, in order to be successful, we do need more user evidence forms to be completed. The Parish Council is to apply to Derbyshire County Council to upgrade footpath 13 and onwards towards footpath 14 and the river Trent as a bridleway for public use. Councillor Dickson has found historical evidence of a public bridleway from Brook End leading towards Twyford and this information has been documented. The Parish Council is required to contact the landowner regarding this application and if you know their contact details please could you inform us. We are also required to supply evidence that this route is used by members of the public and the necessary forms are being sent to the Parish Council. Should you use this route please could you also contact us and complete an evidence form, which will greatly assist this application. Many thanks. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Neighbourhood Development Plan is currently undertaking consultation,

please see the article elsewhere in the Parish Magazine.

Next meeting: Monday 10th December 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

October 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in October

 Allotments

We currently do not have a waiting list for the allotment plots, which are often returned during the winter months, or at renewal time in January. Should you wish to be considered for an allotment plot and live in Repton or Milton please contact me and I can add your name to the list. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Broomhills Pavilion and Field

The Parish Council has now submitted the application to South Derbyshire District Council for additional funding to improve and renovate the pavilion and we would welcome interest from any local groups who are keen in developing new clubs and activities, funding may be available to help with the initial development. If you know of any clubs or groups please ask them to contact the Parish Council to discuss their requirements.
Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Footpaths 13 & 14, Meadow Lane towards Twyford

The Parish Council is to apply to Derbyshire County Council to upgrade footpath 13 and onwards towards footpath 14 and the river Trent as a bridleway for public use. Councillor Dickson has found historical evidence of a public bridleway from Brook End leading towards Twyford and this information has been documented. The Parish Council is required to contact the landowner regarding this application and if you know their contact details please could you inform us. We are also required to supply evidence that this route is used by members of the public and the necessary forms are being sent to the Parish Council. Should you use this route please could you also contact us and complete an evidence form, which will greatly assist this application. Many thanks. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Lampost on Footpath 27, Springfield Road

The Parish Council has been asked by local residents to install a lamppost on Footpath 27. People are using this footpath as a route from the new housing development to the High Street and it is extremely dark without the provision of additional lighting. The Parish Council is to apply to the Safer Neighbourhood’s Fund for a grant which should cover just under fifty per cent of the cost, and if successful, the Parish Council will then fund the remainder of the installation costs and also the annual energy charge. We hope this will greatly enhance this route and ensure residents feel safer using this route during the darker nights.

Next meeting: Monday 11th November 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council

September 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in September

 Allotments

We currently have a very small waiting list for any allotment plots that may become vacant. Plots are often returned during the winter months, or at renewal time in January. Should you wish to be considered for an allotment plot and live in Repton or Milton please contact me and I can add your name to the list. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Broomhills Pavilion and Field

Broomhills Field and Pavilion is a village facility which is available for use by local sporting clubs. The Parish Council is currently applying for additional funding to improve and renovate the pavilion and we would welcome additional interest from local groups who are keen in developing new clubs and activities. If you know of any clubs or groups please ask them to contact the Parish Council to discuss their requirements.

Telephone: 01283 701309 or

  Free Large Water Bottles

We still have a few of the water bottles left, they are of the 15 litre size and by cutting off the base they make ideal plastic cloches for plants, especially those in pots. They are free to collect and should you wish to have one please contact me on Monday or Wednesdays afternoons. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Repton Planter and Sign

The Parish Council has asked for a meeting with a representative of the Highways Department at Derbyshire County Council to agree a suitable location for a planter in Repton. The two planters in Milton, supplied by the Parish Council, have looked beautiful this summer and it is hoped that one will be in full bloom in Repton next year. The Parish Council has also agreed to purchase a fourth ‘Repton historic capital of Mercia’ sign, which again after consultation with Derbyshire County Council, will be located at the ‘Wood End’ entrance to the village.

 Cinder Track, Repton

The Parish Council has repeatedly asked for the shrubs and brambles at the side of the Cinder Track to be cut back and many local residents have also reported this problem. This matter was mentioned again at our September meeting and District Councillor Peter Smith will raise this issue, on our behalf, with the local Council.

 Parish Meeting

Twice a year, currently in March and October, the Parish Council holds a Parish Meeting, the Spring one being held in Repton and the Autumn one in Milton. This

is an opportunity for local residents to raise local issues that may not always be discussed at the Parish Council meetings. Also, during Parish Council meetings there are rules regarding public speaking, which is limited, and for the majority of the time only the Councillors are able to speak. Parish meetings are for the people of the parishes we represent and public participation is fully allowed.

Next meeting: Monday 8th October 2018 in Milton Village Hall, Milton, the Parish Meeting is at 7.00pm, followed by the Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council

August 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter

 St Ann’s Well

The Parish Council has applied to South Derbyshire District Council for St Ann’s Well to be listed as an asset of Community Value. The Well is situated close to Footpath 34 (Tanners Lane to Newton Solney) and the structure dates back to medieval times and is frequently mentioned in the history of Repton. The Parish Council feels the well is of cultural interest to the heritage of the village of Repton and should be preserved for future generations.

 Allotments

We currently have a very small waiting list for any allotment plots that may become vacant. Plots are often returned during the winter months, or at renewal time in January. Should you wish to be considered for an allotment plot and live in Repton or Milton please contact me and I can add your name to the list. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Willington Picnic Area Car Park

The Parish Council has been advised that Derbyshire County Council want to turn the Willington Picnic Area car park into a pay and display one, it is currently free of charge and has been so for more than 40 years. Massive extra congestion on the roads through Willington to and from the A38 and A50 could arise as cars would park on the narrow streets to avoid paying car parking charges. Willington Parish Council has set up a petition to try to stop this happening and you can sign the petition at one of the following locations: The Rising Sun Public House or The Green Man Public House, both at The Green, Willington, or at Willington Post Office, Castle Way, Willington. Please help support this cause.

 Free Large Water Bottles

Courtesy of Repton School we have been given several large plastic water cooler bottles. They are of the 15 litre size and by cutting off the base they make ideal plastic cloches for plants, especially those in pots. They are free to collect and should you wish to have one please contact me on Monday or Wednesdays afternoons. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 New Light – Springfield Road Footpath

The Parish Council is to apply for a Community Grant for the provision of a light at the beginning of Footpath 27, which runs from Springfield Road. Local residents are using this path more frequently and it can be extremely dark at night time. Should you wish to make any comment regarding this proposal please contact the Parish Council office – details as above.

 Monsom Lane Burial Ground

Last month I incorrectly stated that dogs were not allowed within the Burial Ground. Our current rules and regulations state that ‘Dogs must be kept on leads at all times and any dog waste cleared up.’ We would kindly ask local residents to abide by these rules and apologies for any confusion.

 Andrew William Allsop (Deceased)

The Parish Council has been attempting to contact relatives of Andrew William Allsop who died in 1990 and is buried in Monsom Lane Burial Ground. If you are a relative or, know of any relatives please could you ask them to contact this office, again, contact details are above. Many thanks.

Next meeting: Monday 10th September 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. Please note the meeting in October will be held in Milton, not the September meeting. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council

July 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in July

 Repton Village Hall

The Parish Council has now formally received permission from the Department for Communities and Local Government for the loan to assist with the rebuilding of a new village hall. Documents regarding this application are displayed on the Parish Council website, the Village Hall website, and also within the village hall. A Memorandum of Agreement will now be established between the Parish Council and Repton Village Hall Company and the tender process can then commence.

 Planning Appeal Decision – Askew Lodge

The Parish Council and many local residents are concerned about the appeal judgement regarding the planning application for 13 dwellings at Askew Lodge, Milton Road, Repton. The judgement appears to be planning permission for market housing, which we believed was not in line with the SDDC Local Plan. The Parish Council has asked for a meeting with the Planning Department at South Derbyshire District Council to discuss this judgement and any future implications.

 Milton Planters

The two planters are now on display in Milton, one at each end of the village and are a delight to see. Local residents have kindly agree to top up the water reservoirs themselves, which is not an easy task this summer and the Parish Council wishes to thank them for their continuing efforts.

 Summer Activities
The Parish Council is pleased to announce that its summer activities have started

and the following events are still to take place:

Tuesday 7th of August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile Tuesday 14th August 2.00 – 4.00pm Adventure Mobile Tuesday 21st August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile

The Adventure Mobile is aimed at 5-16 year olds and will include the Laser Combat Arena and the new Inflatable Mountain Climb. There will also be Soft Archery, Rounders and Circus Skills. The Play Mobile offers a range of play and craft activities – bouncy castle, space hoppers, sack races etc. and is aimed at 5 – 12 year olds. The Sport Mobile activity contains a range of sporting equipment – football, cricket etc.and is aimed at 8 – 16 year olds and there are two evening sessions. This year it includes a Mountain Bike Challenge course, which includes ramps and balance beams, bikes will be provided but young people are encouraged to bring their own. All the activities do, however, require fine weather! Under 8’s should have a responsible adult with them at all times. We hope that these activities will provide fun and enjoyment during the school summer holidays!

 Public Rights of Way

We are fortunate to have many footpaths (Public Rights of Way) within the Parish boundary. A group of three Councillors has been checking their state recently but if you have any concerns about stiles or access please inform me in the Parish Council Office. Please note we are in the process of appealing the closure of the path at the end of Meadow Lane which leads to the river Trent. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 New Light – Springfield Road Footpath

The Parish Council is to apply for a Community Grant for the provision of a light at the beginning of Footpath 27, which runs from Springfield Road. Local residents are using this path more frequently and it can be extremely dark at night time. Should you wish to make any comment regarding this proposal please contact the Parish Council office – details as above.

 Dog Fouling

We are still receiving complaints regarding dog fouling within the village and even within the grounds of Monsom Lane Burial Ground. Please note that no dogs are allowed within the Burial Ground and please do not allow your dog to foul any walk way within the village, without clearing up after them. South Derbyshire District Council can impose fines for dog fouling. Many thanks for your co- operation.

 Howard Anthony Vincent Evans (Deceased)

The Parish Council has been attempting to contact relatives of Howard Evans who died in 1986 and is buried in Monsom Lane Burial Ground. If you know of any relatives please could you ask them to contact this office, again, contact details are above. Many thanks.

Next meeting: Monday 10th September 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. Please note the meeting in October will be held in Milton, not the September meeting. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council

June 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in June

 Repton Village Hall

The Parish Council has now formally applied to the Department for Communities and Local Government for the loan to assist with the rebuilding of a new village hall. Documents regarding this application are displayed on the Parish Council website, the Village Hall website, and also within the village hall. Should you wish to see the full documentation, which has been sent in support of this application, please contact the Parish Council office, where a paper copy of the application is available. It is hoped that a response from the Government should be received over the coming weeks.

 Village Signs

The Parish Council is currently obtaining quotes to restore the ‘Repton, Historic Capital of Mercia’ signs which are located in the village. It is anticipated that during the summer they will be removed and repainted and should be back in place again before the winter months.

The finger sign post at the top of Boot Hill is also currently being repaired, one of the directional finger signs was broken, and again the work should be completed over the summer months.

 Summer Activities
The Parish Council is pleased to announce that its summer activities have started and the following events are still to take place:

Tuesday 7th of August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile Tuesday 14th August 2.00 – 4.00pm Adventure Mobile Tuesday 21st August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile

The Adventure Mobile is aimed at 5-16 year olds and will include the Laser Combat Arena and the new Inflatable Mountain Climb. There will also be Soft Archery, Rounders and Circus Skills. The Play Mobile offers a range of play and craft activities – bouncy castle, space hoppers, sack races etc. and is aimed at 5 – 12 year olds. The Sport Mobile activity contains a range of sporting equipment – football, cricket etc.and is aimed at 8 – 16 year olds and there are two evening sessions. This year it includes a Mountain Bike Challenge course, which includes ramps and balance beams, bikes will be provided but young people are encouraged to bring their own. All the activities do, however, require fine weather! Under 8’s should have a responsible adult with them at all times. We hope that these activities will provide fun and enjoyment during the school summer holidays!

 Public Rights of Way

Councillors are currently checking the condition of some of our local public rights of way. The Parish Council receives a small amount of funding for the routine maintenance of these footpaths and can also report major issues, such as severely overgrown public rights of way to Derbyshire County Council, for investigation. If you have noticed or experienced any problems with the public

rights of way in Repton or Milton, please let us know. If you could provide the exact location of the footpath or its number that would significantly help us to locate the problem.

Next meeting: Monday 9th July 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council

May 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in May

 New Parish Council Chairman

At the Annual General Meeting Carol Lloyd was elected as Chairman of
the Parish Council. Carol brings a wealth of knowledge to the role and the Councillors wish her well in the year ahead. Carol is actively involved in many local events and is well known to local residents.

 Planters

Councillors are pleased to announce that the Parish Council is funding two planters to be located on the grass verges in Milton – one at each end of the village, close to the existing benches. They should be in place, ready planted with summer colour, early in June and will provide a welcoming sight for local residents and visitors to Milton. The Parish Council had also applied to locate a third planter on the crossing triangle, close to Repton Cross. However, the Highways Department at Derbyshire County Council raised concerns regarding the location being too close to the highway. Councillors will now consider other sites for a planter in Repton.

 Summer Activities

The Parish Council is pleased to announce the following activities which will take place during the school summer holidays. These are free of charge for all local young people, as they are funded by the Parish Council.

Tuesday 24th July 2.00 – 4.00pm Play Mobile
Tuesday 7th of August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile Tuesday 14th August 2.00 – 4.00pm Adventure Mobile Tuesday 21st August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile

The Adventure Mobile is aimed at 5-16 year olds and will include the Laser Combat Arena and the new Inflatable Mountain Climb. There will also be Soft Archery, Rounders and Circus Skills. The Play Mobile offers a range of play and craft activities – bouncy castle, space hoppers, sack races etc. and is aimed at 5 – 12 year olds. The Sport Mobile activity contains a range of sporting equipment – football, cricket etc.and is aimed at 8 – 16 year olds and there are two evening sessions. This year it includes a Mountain Bike Challenge course, which includes ramps and balance beams, bikes will be provided but young people are encouraged to bring their own. All the activities do, however, require fine weather! Under 8’s should have a responsible adult with them at all times. We hope that these activities will provide fun and enjoyment during the school summer holidays!

 Area Forum

Local residents often contact us with queries regarding pot holes, parking, traffic, crime etc, over which the Parish Council has no powers to act. The arena in which to raise these issues is at the Area Forum where the local police, council officers, district and county councillors will be present and able to answer queries. The next area forum is at Repton Village Hall on Tuesday the 19th of June at6.30pm. Please take this opportunity to raise these local issues with your representatives.

 Willington Bus Shelter

The Parish Council is also pleased to announce that it has provided financial assistance for the new bus shelter, on the south side of the road, close to the doctors’ surgery, in Willington. Many local residents will use this surgery and it is hoped that residents waiting for the bus to return to Repton will appreciate this shelter – especially during the winter months!

Next meeting: Monday 11th June 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council

April 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in April

 Broomhills Pavilion

The Parish Council has now agreed a schedule of works for improvements to Broomhills Pavilion. The Pavilion is in need of refurbishment and this project should greatly benefit all those who use the facilities. The areas of work include improvements to the windows, external doors, shower area, flooring, kitchen area and internal redecoration. The Chairman will now consult with South Derbyshire District Council regarding the works and the funds available before quotes are obtained and the work commences.

 Potholes

Following the recent bad weather the condition of the roads has deteriorated even further and Derbyshire County Council has announced an additional £2 million pounds to the funds previously announced last month and it is very easy and straightforward to directly report a problem:

On the website if you enter ‘contact us’ an online form can be completed. Alternatively ‘Call Derbyshire’ telephone 01629 533190 is open Monday to Fridays 8.00am – 8.00pm and on Saturday from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Or, you can write to the County Council at County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG. Please report any serious problems before an accident can happen.

 Repton Village Hall Proposal

The Parish Council has now completed the application for borrowing approval for a loan to assist with the rebuilding of a new village hall. The forms have been sent to our local association, Derbyshire Association for Local Councils, and will then subsequently be forwarded to the Department for Communities and Local Government. It is hoped that the funds will be available in the next few months, so that the work can commence.

 Water Supply

The water supply to the allotments and burial ground has been turned off over the winter to avoid burst pipes. The taps will be turned on again during the first week in May, as hopefully the cold weather will then be behind us.

 Village Signs

The Parish Council is currently obtaining quotes to repaint the ‘Repton – Historic Capital of Mercia’ signs, which have deteriorated over recent years. The directional sign at the top of Boot Hill is also in need of repair and this work should be completed shortly.

Next meeting: Monday 14th May 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council

March 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in March

 New Councillor

The Parish Council is delighted to welcome a further new Councillor, Johnathan Sheldon, to the Parish Council. The Chairman, Trevor Skeith, welcomed him to our meeting and the Parish Council is now at full strength. An extremely good response was received regarding the recent vacancies and we would like to thank everyone who showed an interest in joining the Parish Council.

 Potholes

Following the recent bad weather the condition of the roads has deteriorated further and Derbyshire County Council has announced an extra £4 million pounds to speed up the repair of pot holes, adding 9 extra teams to cover the County and it is very easy and straightforward to directly report a problem:
On the website if you enter ‘contact us’ an online form can be completed. Alternatively ‘Call Derbyshire’ telephone 01629 533190 is open Monday to Fridays 8.00am – 8.00pm and on Saturday from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Or, you can write to the County Council at County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG. Please report any serious problems before an accident can happen.

 Neighbourhood Development Plan

The Parish Council is pleased to report that the Plan has now been examined and has been recommended for a referendum, which will be organised by South Derbyshire District Council. The Plan is now designated as an ‘Emerging Plan’ which means that it has to be a material consideration when any issues detailed within the Plan are now considered for development. At the Parish Council meeting the Councillors thanked Councillor Ewan Thompson for his work on the Neighbourhood Development Plan.

 Litter Bins

The Parish Council recently ordered four new litter bins for Repton and these have now been installed. The locations are: the junction of Brook End and Boot Hill; the junction of Clayfield and Milton Road; the junction of Chestnut Way and Burton Road and on Main Street. Residents asked us to provide extra bins to help keep the local area cleaner and we will now continue to fund the servicing of these bins.

 Mobile Library Service

The Library Service has asked us to publish the dates of their local service for May to July 2018. They will be in Repton on the 15th of May, 12th of June and the 10th of July – all these dates are Tuesdays. The van will visit Askew Grove at 10.15 – 11.30am and The Square from 11.35 – 1.00pm. Please make use of this local service to ensure its continuity in the future.

Next meeting: Monday 9th April 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

February 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in February

 Broomhills Pavilion

Councillors have established a working group to oversee improvements to Broomhills Pavilion. The Parish Council is planning to carry out a significant upgrade and refurbishment of the building, which would benefit all those who use the facilities. An electrical survey has already been carried out and internal improvements, for example to the kitchen area, are also planned.

 Potholes

Councillors are noticing and reporting the many potholes which are appearing in our local roads. Derbyshire County Council is responsible for the maintenance of the highways and it is very easy and straightforward to directly report a problem. On the website if you enter ‘contact us’ an online form can be completed. Alternatively ‘Call Derbyshire’ telephone 01629 533190 is open Monday to Fridays 8.00am – 8.00pm and on Saturday from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Or, you can write to the County Council at County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG. Please report any serious problems before an accident can happen.

 Arboretum

The Parish Council is to extend the Arboretum on Pinfold Lane to a further plot across the road. South Derbyshire District Council has agreed, in principle, to the use of the land, the full details, are to be agreed over the coming months. Once the plot is available for use we will invite requests for the planting of trees, in memory of loved ones.

 Litter Picking

Councillor Barbara McArdle is to co-ordinate a further littler picking group, to ensure that our neighbourhood is one of which we can be proud and we can report that many local residents have also contacted us to borrow the litter pickers, so that they can improve the local area themselves. Should you wish to borrow litter pickers or join the group please contact either Councillor McArdle or the Parish Council office: or telephone 01283 701309. Many thanks to all those who are already helping.

 Allotments

The allotment agreements for 2018 have now been issued and if you have not returned your agreement and fee please do so as soon as possible. Should you not wish to retain the plot please let us know so that we can find a new allotment holder. A waiting list is maintained in the Parish Council office and should you be interested please contact us, the rents are extremely reasonable.

Next meeting: Monday 12th March 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, commencing with a Parish Meeting at 7..00pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council