We now have a new telephone number for Repton Parish Council: 01283 605492. You can of course also contact us via email or by popping into the Village Hall during our open hours – details are at the bottom of the page.
Christmas Switch On!
Arboretum Extension Proposal
A new proposal to extend the existing arboretum on Pinfold Lane has been put together, and you can see it by opening the document below:
This is the proposed site for the planting of 17 more trees dedicated to the memory of loved ones. At the moment final agreement is still to be reached.
Repton & Milton vote Yes!
The results of the NPD referendum have been declared as:
Yes – 565
No – 21
No spoilt papers. This means that there is a Yes vote of 96.4%, from a turnout of 27.7%
May 2019 Jottings
The kissing gate has now been installed at the entrance to Broomhills playing field. It should make the field more secure whilst also providing appropriate access.
The signs on the High Street, limiting the time for parking, are redundant and it is planned that Derbyshire County Council highways department will remove them in the near future. Until the signs are removed there is an outside chance of getting a parking ticket which can be overturned on appeal.
Thank you to Trevor Skeith and Ewan Thompson who have mended the finger post at the Cross.
Take care on the footpath 9, part way between FP 10 and FP6, some of the staked boards and fencing is not very safe. We are investigating who is responsible for the repair.
The plan for an extension to the arboretum is progressing and we hope to have a report from SDDC regarding the lay out and appropriate trees, so that planting can begin in late autumn.
Progress continues on protection of the Cross. Permission has been granted for renovation and we are now checking for quotations. A donation is being given from Derbyshire County Council. The highways department is investigating repair and reconstruction of the surrounding paved area.
We have had complaints regarding unemptied litter bins up at Longlands. This is the responsibility of the developer. We shall be writing to them to remind them of this, but it would be helpful if concerned residents could also contact them.
We send our thanks to the retiring councillors, Barbara McArdle, John McGhan, Peter Rainey, Trevor Skeith and Ewan Thompson. They all contributed so much to the work of the council, and did a lot of hard work behind the scenes. We are very grateful for them volunteering to assist us on our Working Groups where their knowledge will be invaluable.
The present members of the Parish Council are; David Dickson, Carol Lloyd (Chairman), John Perks (Vice Chairman), Jonathon Sheldon, Gary Steel and Mel Thomas. We are hoping to co-opt five new members at our next meeting which will bring us up to full strength.
Carol Lloyd. Chairman
April 2019 Jottings
A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in April 2019
We are applying for permission to DCC Highways Department for 4 planters in Repton. Three small ones on the triangle by the Cross and one on Willington Road on the grass verge near the Vicarage.
Progress is being made on refurbishing Broomhills Pavilion. This will include new doors, window frames, kitchen, redecorating and providing a defibrillator.
A kissing gate is to be purchased to replace the broken access to Broomhills Playing Field from Well Lane.
A meeting is to be held with representatives from the Highways Department to discuss the condition of the Cross itself and the surrounding island. Road safety concerns around the primary school would be looked into by the Highways representative at the same time.
Six applications were received for the Repton Parish Council elections in May. As the number of councillors is eleven, there will be no election, all six will stand, and a co-option process convened. It makes a great deal of difference as to what we can achieve for the village if we have a full Council, so please consider whether you would be willing to stand.
See page for information or contact Caroline Crowder Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer
Repton Parish Council,40 High Street, Repton, Derbyshire, DE65 6GD Telephone: 01283 701309; email reptoncouncil@btinternet.com
March 2019 Jottings
From the chairman: At our meeting in February we had to say goodbye to Sue Reilly who has been Clerk to Repton Parish Council for eight years and always a pleasure to work with. Not only has she kept all the paperwork – and us – in order, but she also ensured we followed correct procedures, a matter of real importance recently whilst we arranged a Public Works Loan for Repton village hall and worked on the Neighbourhood Plan. We thank her for her hard work and wish her all the very best in retirement.
The next Parish Clerk will take over at a time of change, not only – following the elections – a different Parish Council in May, but moving the Parish Office to Repton’s new village hall, hopefully in September.
Carol Lloyd
New streetlight: I am pleased to report that Safer Neighbourhoods Community Funding has awarded a grant of £1,400 for a new street light situated on footpath 27 which runs from Springfield Road through Holloway towards Milton. We hope it will be installed over the next few months.
Footpaths 13 & 14, Meadow Lane towards Twyford: We would be very grateful if you can help with the Parish Council’s application to upgrade footpath 13 and onwards towards footpath 14 and the river Trent as a bridleway for public use. We have historical evidence of a public bridleway from Brook End leading towards Twyford, and this has been documented, but we are required to supply evidence that this route is used by members of the public; the necessary forms are available at the Parish Council office. We have already received some completed forms, many thanks; however we still require a few more. If you use or have used this route, please could you contact the office (see below) and complete an evidence form; it would greatly assist this application.
Next meeting: Monday 11th March in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30 pm. All are welcome.
February 2019 Jottings
A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in February
New Parish Clerk
My name is Sue Redman and I am the new Parish Clerk. I have some experience in the role of Parish Clerk, from when I worked for Measham Parish Council. I am looking forward to this new challenge and working on behalf of Repton Parish Council.
My office hours are Monday 12.30pm – 4.30pm and Wednesday 12.30pm- 4.30pm.
I would like to thank Susan Reilly for all the help and support she has given me over the last few weeks.
At the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 11th February, the Chairperson presented Susan with a bouquet of flowers and on behalf of the Parish Council thanked her for all her hard work, which has been much appreciated.
Safer Neighbourhoods Community Funding – New Streetlight
I am pleased to report that a grant of £1400.00 has been awarded for a new street light. The new light will be situated on footpath 27; this will provided welcomed additional lighting. We hope the new light will be installed over the next few months.
Footpaths 13 & 14, Meadow Lane towards Twyford
If you can help with the Parish Council’s application to upgrade footpath 13 and onwards towards footpath 14 and the river Trent as a bridleway for public use, we would be very grateful. Councillor Dickson has found historical evidence of a public bridleway from Brook End leading towards Twyford and this information has been documented. We are required to supply evidence that this route is used by members of the public and the necessary forms are available at the Parish Council office. We have already received some completed forms, many thanks; however we still require a few more. Should you use this route, now or in the past, please could you contact the office and complete an evidence form, which would greatly assist this application. Many thanks. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or reptoncouncil@btinternet.co.uk
Next meeting: Monday 11th March 2019 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Sue Redman, Clerk to the Council
January 2019 Jottings
A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in January
Planter for Repton
Councillors have now held a site meeting with representatives from Derbyshire County Council and possible sites have been identified. It is hoped that a location and type of container can be agreed and that a new planter will be in place for the spring. The ones in Milton have been a welcome addition and hopefully this can now be replicated in Repton.
Footpaths 13 & 14, Meadow Lane towards Twyford
If you can help with the Parish Council’s application to upgrade footpath 13 and onwards towards footpath 14 and the river Trent as a bridleway for public use, we would be very grateful. Councillor Dickson has found historical evidence of a public bridleway from Brook End leading towards Twyford and this information has been documented. We are required to supply evidence that this route is used by members of the public and the necessary forms are available at the Parish Council office. We have already received some completed forms, many thanks; however we still require a few more. Should you use this route, now or in the past, please could you contact the office and complete an evidence form, which would greatly assist this application. Many thanks. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or reptoncouncil@btinternet.co.uk
Adverse Weather
The grit bins around the village have now been replenished and a reminder that the most up to date information regarding the weather, gritting activity, road and school closures can be found at www.derbyshire.gov.uk
Grit bins are located on Springfield Road, The Pastures, Monsom Lane outside the Burial Ground, Monsom Lane at the junction of Milton Road, Burdett Way at the junction with Milton Road, Hill View and Red Hill Lane. The grit provided is for use on the public roads and pavements and we would please ask that it is not taken for personal use. Many thanks.
After working here for over eight happy years I have now decided to retire. I have thoroughly enjoyed my time in the Parish Council office, firstly at The Dales and then here, above the Jaipur Restaurant and have met many local people and hopefully, have helped you with your queries and concerns. Councillors are currently recruiting a new Clerk, who will hopefully start in February so that we can work alongside each other for a few weeks. I am sure he or she will look forward to meeting you over the coming months. Thank you for the kindness and understanding you have shown me over the past years and I look forward to seeing your new Village Hall!
Next meeting: Monday 11th February 2019 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council
December 2018 Jottings
A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in December
Parish Precept 2019 / 2020
The Parish Council has undertaken to maintain the charge for a Band D house at the same level as last year, which followed the local referendum to increase the precept to fund work on a new village hall. The precept has therefore been set at £35.82 for a Band D house for the 2019 / 20 financial year.
Dog Fouling
We are still receiving new complaints regarding irresponsible dog owners allowing their pets to foul in public places, without clearing up after them. The Parish Council is forwarding complaints to South Derbyshire District Council and would ask that local residents also send any complaints direct to the District Council, who have the power to enforce the legal requirements. We would particularly ask dog owners to follow the rules regarding dogs on The Mitre Field,as this is a much used children’s play area. The Mitre Field is subject to a Public Spaces Protection Order which means that dogs are not allowed on The Mitre Field.
Further information can be obtained from Environmental Health, South Derbyshire District Council: Telephone: 01283 595795 or by email environmental.health@south-derbys.gov.uk
Adverse Weather
The grit bins around the village have now been replenished and a reminder that the most up to date information regarding the weather, gritting activity, road and school closures can be found at www.derbyshire.gov.uk
Grit bins are located on Springfield Road, The Pastures, Monsom Lane outside the Burial Ground, Monsom Lane at the junction of Milton Road, Burdett Way at the junction with Milton Road, Hill View and Red Hill Lane. The grit provided is for use on the public roads and pavements and we would please ask that it is not taken for personal use. Many thanks.
Footpaths & Overhanging Trees
As the days are now extremely short it is important that we benefit from the street lights as much as possible. When walking around the village Councillors have noted that some streetlights are being obscured by the shrubs and trees of neighbouring properties. Please could you check if this applies to your property and, if so, please could you cut back the greenery to allow the maximum amount of light to be displayed. Many thanks.
Next meeting: Monday 14th January 2019 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council