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Invitation to Tender and Evaluation Details

This invitation to tender has also been published on Contracts Finder.


This document has been produced for advertising on HM Gov. Website ‘Contract Finder’ as required by Local Government Act (1972) & Public Contracts Regulations (2015)   

Invitation to tender – Mitre Field – Design & Installation of multi- wheeled pump track

Invitation made by Repton Parish Council

Published date 17/09/2024

Open opportunity – This means that the contract is currently active, and suppliers are being sought to fulfil the contract.

Closing Date 29/10/2024 23:59

Contract Summary


Design and Construction


DE65 6FJ

Value of Contract

£0 to £100,000

Procurement Reference


Published Date


Closing Date


Closing Time


Contract Start Date


Contract End Date


Contract Type


Procurement type

Open procedure

Contract is suitable for SMEs?


Contract suitable for VCSEs?



Repton Parish Council (as trustees of Repton  Recreation Ground Charity no. 509372 – Mitre Field), following a full consultation process,  wish to add a purpose designed multi-wheel pump track to an existing playing field area within the village. Suitable contractors are asked to submit tenders to undertake the design and supply of the pump track. It is intended that the track is suitable for a variety of non-motorised small wheeled devices and is to be provided for the benefit of the inhabitants of Repton and in particular, but not exclusively, those of the said inhabitants who are children under the age of 14 years with the object of improving the conditions of life for the said inhabitants.

1 Site Location

Mitre Field, Mitre Drive, Repton, Derbyshire DE65 6FJ


2 Scope of Supply

2.1 Track Design

2.2 Associated technical documentation

2.3 Complete site installation

3 Form of Response

Tenders are to provide the following documentation

3.1 Proposed track layout drawing/illustration and profile diagram.

3.2 Technical description, to include but not be limited by the following:-

                Project Management & Controls applied

                Principal materials and construction method

                Access & Laydown requirements and reinstatement on completion

                Rainwater and drainage management

                Landscaping proposals

                Signage and notices proposed during construction and permanent

                Construction site security & management

                Construction progress reporting method

                Compliance with RoSPA safety guidelines statement

                Track design life & Warranty provision

                Risk assessment methodology & Safety Management

                Track care and maintenance requirements

                Handover/Acceptance process and documentation

3.3 Reference relevant experience

3.4 Project timescale, indicating periods from contract award to design completion, access to site,

installation completion, formal hand-over.

3.5 Project cost. Tenders are to provide individual costs for the following stages:-

3.5.1 Detailed design matching the footprint defined in section 1 above.

3.5.2 Technical description as defined in section 3.2 above.

3.5.3 Complete site construction from preparation to completion and handover.

3.5.4 Final fixed total price.

 Any stage payments required should be quantified against the milestone periods given in 3.4 above.

 Any pre contract award costs such as the provision of further technical information in support of a formal planning application should be shown separately.

4 Tender Return Details

4.1 Tenders should be returned in a sealed envelope with the bid reference MitreFieldPumpTrackTender on the top left hand corner, by the time and date given below.

Return date & Time – 11.59pm on 29th October 2024

Return Address-

Parish Clerk

Repton Parish Council

Repton Village Hall

Askew Grove



DE65 6GR

4.2 All tenders must include a covering letter signed and dated by an appropriate person authorising the submission and confirming that the business submitting has sufficient resources and expertise to deliver the entire offer.

 4.3 All tenders received will be opened together by the Parish Clerk and witnessed by a Parish Councillor. A structured evaluation process will follow leading to the identification of a preferred bidder. This process will be recorded for future scrutiny if required.

4.4 The preferred bidder will be invited to support an application for planning permission from the local authority. On successful completion of the planning process, the contract will be awarded to the preferred bidder, subject to their being adequate funding in support of the project.

4.5 The results of the tender evaluation process will be published on the website after contract award.

5 Question /Answers

5.1 Any queries should be sent by email to the Parish Clerk quoting the following reference MitreFieldPumpTrackTender

5.2 Arrangements for visits to the site can be made via the Parish Clerk quoting the reference MitreFieldPumpTrackTender

Parish Clerk email address –

6 Tender Validity 

To allow sufficient time to identify a preferred bidder and complete the planning process, we request that all bids remain valid for 6 months from submission.

How to apply

Follow the instruction given in sections 3 & 4 above.

About the buyer

Contact Name

Parish Clerk


Repton Parish Council

Repton Village Hall

Askew Grove



DE65 6GR


07341 907137


Further Information

Details of the tender process and  evaluation methods can be found on the following website:-


The evaluation process will be undertaken in two phases.

Phase 1 will examine tenders for key criteria (must haves). Those renders failing to meet this mimimum requirement will be disgarded.

Phase 1 Criteria

1 Site footprint compliance

2 Minimum design standard

3 Minimum construction standard

4 Acceptable costings

5 Acceptable timescales

Phase 2 evaluation will be conducted as follows:-

The table below provides a scoring method to be applied for relevant sections of bids received.

Each bid will accumulate a total score which will be applied when selecting the preferred bidder. All assessments will be recorded.

Each score will multiplied by a weighting factor and a total score calculated.

The following criteria will be scored for each bid

1 Track Design & associated technical data – weighting factor x2

2 Construction materials & method – weighting factor x3

3 Product quality assessment – weighting factor x1

4 Risk management processes – weighting factor x1

5 Project timescales – weighting factor x1

6 Project costs – weighting factor x3

7 Relevant experience – weighting factor x2

8 Commercial risk – weighting factor x1

An excel spreadsheet had been produced to record all evaluation scores.

Both documents are available to download: