A monthly newsletter
St Ann’s Well
The Parish Council has applied to South Derbyshire District Council for St Ann’s Well to be listed as an asset of Community Value. The Well is situated close to Footpath 34 (Tanners Lane to Newton Solney) and the structure dates back to medieval times and is frequently mentioned in the history of Repton. The Parish Council feels the well is of cultural interest to the heritage of the village of Repton and should be preserved for future generations.
We currently have a very small waiting list for any allotment plots that may become vacant. Plots are often returned during the winter months, or at renewal time in January. Should you wish to be considered for an allotment plot and live in Repton or Milton please contact me and I can add your name to the list. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or reptoncouncil@btinternet.co.uk
Willington Picnic Area Car Park
The Parish Council has been advised that Derbyshire County Council want to turn the Willington Picnic Area car park into a pay and display one, it is currently free of charge and has been so for more than 40 years. Massive extra congestion on the roads through Willington to and from the A38 and A50 could arise as cars would park on the narrow streets to avoid paying car parking charges. Willington Parish Council has set up a petition to try to stop this happening and you can sign the petition at one of the following locations: The Rising Sun Public House or The Green Man Public House, both at The Green, Willington, or at Willington Post Office, Castle Way, Willington. Please help support this cause.
Free Large Water Bottles
Courtesy of Repton School we have been given several large plastic water cooler bottles. They are of the 15 litre size and by cutting off the base they make ideal plastic cloches for plants, especially those in pots. They are free to collect and should you wish to have one please contact me on Monday or Wednesdays afternoons. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or reptoncouncil@btinternet.co.uk
New Light – Springfield Road Footpath
The Parish Council is to apply for a Community Grant for the provision of a light at the beginning of Footpath 27, which runs from Springfield Road. Local residents are using this path more frequently and it can be extremely dark at night time. Should you wish to make any comment regarding this proposal please contact the Parish Council office – details as above.
Monsom Lane Burial Ground
Last month I incorrectly stated that dogs were not allowed within the Burial Ground. Our current rules and regulations state that ‘Dogs must be kept on leads at all times and any dog waste cleared up.’ We would kindly ask local residents to abide by these rules and apologies for any confusion.
Andrew William Allsop (Deceased)
The Parish Council has been attempting to contact relatives of Andrew William Allsop who died in 1990 and is buried in Monsom Lane Burial Ground. If you are a relative or, know of any relatives please could you ask them to contact this office, again, contact details are above. Many thanks.
Next meeting: Monday 10th September 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. Please note the meeting in October will be held in Milton, not the September meeting. All are welcome.
Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council