Trent and Dove have produced a walkthrough video of the Dales proposal – you can see it below:
The application may be viewed on the South Derbyshire website at
Trent and Dove have produced a walkthrough video of the Dales proposal – you can see it below:
The application may be viewed on the South Derbyshire website at
Repton Parish Council has a vacancy for one councillor. Notice has been given and no requests for an election were received by South Derbyshire District Council. This now means that the vacancy can be filled by co-opting a councillor.
Before applying for the role please ensure you have read the Councillor Description and Expectations; and the Code of Conduct. These can be found here on our website, or contact the Clerk.
Application forms need to be submitted to the Clerk no later than 10th March 2022.
The co-option will occur at the March meeting, which will be held on 14th March 2022 at 19:30 in Repton Village Hall.
Any queries please contact our Clerk, Caroline, on 07341 907137 or
The Governors of Sir John Port’s Charity are inviting applications
for a single project to promote education, including social and
physical training, of children or young persons resident in the
Parishes of Repton or Etwall to a maximum total value of
Grants may be subject to means testing.
Applications should be made in writing, addressed to the
Clerk to the Governors at and received
by Monday 31 January
Repton Parish Council is undertaking a programme of installing memorial benches around the villages of Repton and Milton.
The first stage of this has seen benches installed in the two arboreta on Mount Pleasant Road, Repton and the burial ground on Monsom Lane, Repton. The picture below shows the older of the two arboreta.
The benches are all made from British recycled plastic, which not only is environmentally friendly but ensures that little future maintenance is needed, making them ideal as memorial benches.
The bench and tree shown below are in the newer of the arboreta, which was recently planted with trees of different varieties, such as the paperbark maple or the pink flowering crab apple tree shown below in blossom.
The benches can be dedicated as a memorial to loved ones who may have lived or contributed in some way to the Parish. Upon acceptance of an application, the dedicator is able to have a plaque installed on the bench commemorating it to their loved one.
The photos below are from the burial ground, providing somewhere for people to be able reflect upon memories of their relatives and friends that may be interred there.
Details of how to apply for a memorial bench can be found on the Parish Council website or by contacting the Parish Clerk on telephone number: 07341907137 or email:
As of 7 January 2021, Action Fraud had received 57 reports from members of the public who have been sent text messages claiming to be from the NHS, offering them the opportunity to sign up for coronavirus vaccinations. The texts ask the recipient to click on a link which takes them to an online form where they are prompted to input personal and financial details. In some cases the online form has looked very similar to the real NHS website.
Pauline Smith, Head of Action Fraud, said:
“Remember, the vaccine is only available on the NHS and is free of charge. The NHS will never ask you for details about your bank account or to pay for the vaccine. If you receive an email, text message or phone call purporting to be from the NHS and you are asked to provide financial details, this is a scam.”
How to protect yourself:
In the UK, coronavirus vaccinations will only be available via the National Health Services of England, Northern Ireland, Wales and Scotland. You can be contacted by the NHS, your employer, a local GP surgery or pharmacy, to receive your vaccination. Remember, the vaccinations are free of charge and you will not be asked for a payment.
The NHS will never:
If you receive a call you believe to be fraudulent, hang up. If you are suspicious about an email you have received, forward it to Suspicious text messages should be forwarded to the number 7726, which is free of charge.
If you believe you are the victim of a fraud, please report this to Action Fraud as soon as possible by calling 0300 123 2040 or visiting
We have a vacancy for a new Parish Councillor to join Repton Parish Council. The official notice is below – but if you would like more details on what this would involve and how to apply, please contact our Clerk, Caroline on: / 07341 907137. Caroline is available on Mondays and Thursdays between 2pm and 5pm.
that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.
If by 11 January 2021 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for an election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will not take place until 6 May 2021 due to the Coronavirus Act 2020.
In the absence of a request for an election the vacancy may be filled by co-option.
![]() The national restrictions end on December 2nd and England will now move back into the previous tier system. Regardless of what tier you’re in shops, personal care, gyms and the wider leisure sector will re-open, but restrictions will be in place to help prevent the spread of the virus.The Government has placed Derbyshire and Derby into Tier 3 (Very High) coronavirus alert level. This means: * you must not meet socially indoors, or in most outdoor places, with anybody you do not live with or who is not in your support bubble * you must not socialise in a group of more than 6 in some other outdoor public spaces, including parks, beaches or countryside accessible to the public * hospitality settings, such as bars pubs, cafes and restaurants are closed but can operate a take-out or collection service * accommodation such as hotels, B&Bs, campsites, and guest houses must close * indoor entertainment and tourist venues must close * exercise classes and organised sport can take place outdoors but avoid higher-risk contact activity, none indoors unless it is with a household or bubble, organised sport for elite athletes, under 18s and people with disabilities can continue * you should avoid travelling to other parts of the UK, including for overnight stays, other than where necessary. Thank you for your continued support and efforts in the fight against coronavirus. More information on the tier system and what it means can be found in the Government’s Covid-19 Winter Plan. Find out more here |
![]() Christmas bubbles It’s been a tough year and Christmas is nearly here with the promise of presents, food and a little festivity. The Government has this week announced a temporary relaxation of restrictions from the 23 – 27 December where you can form a ‘Christmas bubble’ with friends or family. This means: * You can form a ‘Christmas bubble’ made up of people from no more than three households. * Existing support bubbles count as one household towards the three-household limit. This means that if you are in a support bubble, you can collectively form a Christmas bubble with two other households.You can only be in one Christmas bubble and you cannot change your Christmas bubble * You can only meet your Christmas bubble in private homes or in your garden, places of worship, or public outdoor spaces. * You cannot meet someone in a private dwelling who is not part of your household or Christmas bubble. We all welcome the opportunity to spend time with loved ones this Christmas, but it’s important to remember coronavirus hasn’t gone away. Follow the Christmas guidelines, wash your hands regularly, wear a face covering where required and keep a safe distance from people not in your bubble. More information on making a Christmas bubble can be found on the Government’s website. Find out more here Derbyshire County Council Appointment of Independent Persons The Council is seeking to appoint three Independent Persons to assist the Governance, Ethics & Standards Committee in maintaining the high ethical standards of Councillors. Attendance at Governance, Ethics & Standards Committee meetings, hearings and training events will be required at four attendances per year. An allowance of £125 per meeting will be payable and necessary travel expenses will be reimbursed. Please contact Alisha Parker, Business Services Officer on for an application pack. For further information or to arrange an informal discussion about the role, please contact Elizabeth Wild – Principal Solicitor on closing date for applications is midnight on 10 December 2020. |
Remembrance Day: Councillor Sheldon presented a wreath for the Parish Council and one on behalf of the South Derbyshire District Council at the war memorial on Sunday 8th November. He represented both Councils to ensure that the strict Covid-19 rules were adhered to. The silk poppy display on the Repton Cross has been completed by two volunteers, who have been thanked by the Council for ensuring that the display is one to make the village proud.
Repton School: Sarah Tennant representing Repton School was present at the council meeting on 9 November. She advised that the school’s students went into lockdown a few days ahead of the national one. This means that they are not allowed to visit the Spar, butchers or takeaway shops. They can visit the Post Office with the permission of their house master. As there are public rights of way through the school property they are also being very cautious when out walking on school grounds. The school has taken the decision to break up for Christmas early on the 8th December to allow the students two clear weeks before Christmas. She assured us that the level of Covid within the school was favourable compared to other schools in the region.
Refuse Collection: Occasionally some bins are missed due to the Covid restrictions the staff are working under. The district council have taken on a new team to assist with the collections. They still advise if you leave your bins out they will endeavour to empty them the next day if they are missed.
District Councillors: District Councillors Kerry Haines and Andrew Churchill are to hold a virtual surgery on the 2nd December 2020 between 19:00 – 20:30.
Christmas Tree: The council is working again with the WI and Repton School on the plans for this year’s Christmas tree. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions there will not be a switch on event for the lights, the tree however will be in the same position as last year by Kindersley gate, for all to enjoy.
New Arboretum: All the trees have now been planted. We are so pleased that so many have supported the new site, and special thanks should go to Councillor Tony Brown who has done the organisation.
Highways. Contact has been made with Derbyshire County Council regarding removal of the A boards at the Cross; the incorrect parking signs on High Street and the new village sign on Main Street. We are awaiting their reply.
You can contact Caroline Crowder – Clerk and Responsible Finance Officer at Repton Parish Council, Repton Village Hall, Askew Grove, Repton, Derbyshire, DE65 6GR. Telephone: 01283 701309 Mobile: 07341 907137 or email
There is a virtual Parish Council Meeting planned for Monday 14th December 2020 at 19:30. Information on accessing the meeting will be found on the website and the council notice boards.
The Council has a new Chairman and two new Vice Chairmen.
We are pleased to announce that Councillor Barbara McArdle has taken over from Councillor Carol Lloyd as Chairman, and Councillors Jonathan Sheldon and David Dickson have taken over as joint Vice Chairmen from Councillor John Perks.
Repton Parish Council have made the decision to hold virtual meetings via Zoom until at least the end of this financial year.
The meetings are open to the public and information on accessing them can be found on the council website and on the council notice boards.
Repton School:
Sarah Tennant representing Repton School was present at the council meeting and assured all that they are still very focused on working with the community to ensure that pupils are following the government guidelines around the village.
The council has submitted an objection to the erection of a dwelling on land to the rear of 24 High Street due to its domination over the neighbouring property, which goes against the Repton Neighbourhood Development Plan.
The district council are clearing away any issues reported to them quickly. Should anybody spot any fly-tipping please report to South Derbyshire District Council.
Refuse Collection:
Occasionally some bins are missed due to the Covid restrictions the staff are working under. The district council has advised if you leave your bins out they will endeavour to empty them the next day.
Village Maintenance:
The planters near to the Repton Cross are due to be refilled with winter plants in the next few weeks.
Remembrance Day: Due to the Covid restrictions the usual event will not be able to be held. Vice Chairman Sheldon will represent the council and will be laying a wreath at the memorial on the 11th November 2020.
Broomhills Playing Fields:
The perimeter fence has been made safe and the notice boards taken down for safety reasons. The notice boards will be re-sited ensuring they are away from the playing pitches for safety reasons.
Burial Ground:
One of the benches in the burial ground is unsafe and will now be removed. There are still other benches available for all to use.
Christmas Tree:
The council is working again with the WI and Repton School on the plans for this year’s Christmas tree. Unfortunately due to Covid restrictions there will not be a switch on event for the lights, the tree however will be in the same position as last year by Kindersley gate, for all to enjoy.
Are you concerned about speeding?
Could you spare some time to help reduce speed in your area?
Community Speed Watch (CSW) is a national initiative where active members of local communities join with the support of the Police to monitor speeds of vehicles using radar speed detection devices.
For more information on how you can help reduce speeding please visit Crest Derbyshire.