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South Derbyshire Dog Exclusion Public Places Protection Order 2023

Please be aware that there is a Dog Exclusion order in force on the Mitre Field in Repton. Please do not take your dogs onto the Field unless they are a disability dog.

South Derbyshire District Council are in the process of refreshing the signage around the Field.

Full details of this order can be found at

Councillor Vacancy

Would you or someone you know, like to be involved in representing the Repton Parish?  Repton Parish Council has a casual vacancy for one councillor, due to a resignation   This now means that the vacancy can be filled by co-opting a councillor. This person would hold the post of Councillor until the next local elections which are due in May 2027 for the Repton Parish, which includes not only Repton but also Milton.  The criteria below are the same for a Councillor that is voted in during an election or co-opted.

What is the Purpose of a Parish Councillor?

You are there to represent the views of all the residents within your parish.  You will be responsible for the running of services the Council provide, such as the burial ground, allotments, arboreta and recreation facilities at Mitre Field and Broomhills recreation ground.  You work to bring forward issues that are important to the residents that you represent and help to plan how the Parish Council can improve the Parish’s facilities.  The Council are trying to improve Youth Facilities in the area at the moment.  You can comment on planning applications in the area and represent the views of the residents that may be affected by the plans.  You must be willing to represent the views of the whole community.

What criteria must you meet to be a Councillor?

  1. Over the age of 18 years and
  2. Be a British citizen, an eligible Commonwealth citizen or a citizen of any member of the European Union and
  3. Be registered as a local government elector for the parish OR occupy as an owner or tenant, land or premises in the parish for the past 12 months OR work in the parish as your principal or only place of work OR live within three miles of the parish boundary

What obligations are there?

  1. You must sign a declaration of office before you can attend your first meeting.
  2. You must abide by the Parish Council’s code of conduct, this can be found on the website
  3. Complete a register of interests which will be published on the Parish Council’s website and that of South Derbyshire District Council.  This ensures that you have declared any interests that you may have of a financial nature or that may benefit you or could influence what decisions you make as a Councillor.

What will be expected of you?

Repton Parish Council has 11 meetings per year; these are usually held on the second Monday of the month at 19:30 (excluding August).  Usually held in Repton Village Hall, the October meeting is held in Milton Village Hall. You should attend as many of these as possible.  You will be expected to have read the agenda and previous month’s minutes before the meeting.  The meeting is your chance to present your views and that of the residents that you represent.  Committee meetings are also held for Finance and Flooding.  The Council has various working groups that you should try and involve yourself with, hopefully these will encompass areas of the parish that you may already have an interest in. Please follow this link for a description and expectations of a Parish Councillor.

Still interested or think you may know someone that is?

Please follow the links for application forms and details of the co-option process or by contacting the Clerk, details shown below.  Application forms need to be submitted to the Clerk no later than 5th November 2023.  The co-option will occur at the November 2023 meeting, which will be held on 13th November 2023 in the meeting room at Repton Village Hall. 

Any queries please contact the Clerk on 07341 907137 or or speak to any of the Councillors.

Health and Wellbeing Bulletin

Please find the latest bulletin from South Derbyshire Community Voluntary Support

On Wednesday the 18th of October at 10:30am we will be hosting a Community Connectors meeting featuring a presentation from the Derbyshire Fire and Rescue Service.Everyone is welcome! Please book your place and we will send you a Microsoft teams invite.
Other events:
South Derbyshire CVS Wellie Walk Fundraiser
South Derbyshire CVS AGM
Festival of Time (Time Swap Event)
Funding Workshop with Lloyds Bank Foundation
Funding Workshop: South Derbyshire Community Grants Fund
Funding Workshop with Foundation Derbyshire
Community Connectors: Mental Health and Suicide Prevention Project
Emergency First Aid at Work – 23rd of NovemberThe one day Emergency First Aid at Work is the most popular HSE compliant first aid course.  This basic emergency first aid one day qualification for the the workplace contains all the vital skills to save lives and treat basic injuries and illness.This course is designed for individuals who wish to act as an emergency first aider in their workplace.Upon successful completion of this qualification candidates will be equipped with the essential skills needed to give safe, prompt and effective first aid in emergency situations. Book your place below.You can also contact Hive Training if you have other training needs for your organisation!
Post Covid Services Want to Hear from You

The NHS in Derby and Derbyshire Integrated Care Board (ICB) is currently in the process of reviewing the Post (Long) Covid Service. It’s important to understand the needs of the patients and public that use and need the service. We therefore would like your support in reaching as many people as possible so they can help shape the future of the service.

The ICB are hosting a series of virtual and face to face engagement workshops as well as collecting people’s views via a survey. You can find out more about the service review, book on to the workshops or fill in the survey here:
Covid and Flu VaccinationsAll eligible adults are urged to book their flu and COVID-19 vaccines online via the NHS website, by downloading the NHS App, or by calling 119 for free if they can’t get online, to give themselves the best protection against severe illness and hospitalisation.Follow this link to find a vaccination site near you:  Covid-19 vaccination clinics list » Joined Up Care DerbyshireFor more information: Get Winter Strong: revisiting respiratory infection guidance for a safer season – UK Health Security Agency (

Events for CarersAre you an unpaid carer? There are lots of activities, training and events taking place in October for unpaid carers hosted by Derbyshire Carers Association (DCA). View all upcoming events at carers support service – which is delivered by Derbyshire Carers Association – offers help and guidance, support groups, training, learning and more. For more information: Caring for someone – Derbyshire County Council

Know The Signs of A Heart AttackHeart attack symptoms and signs can vary from person to person.The most common symptom of a heart attack in both men and women is squeezing across the chest or a feeling of unease.But symptoms don’t always feel severe lesser known symptoms include a feeling of pressure or heaviness across your chest, shortness of breath, feeling or being sick and back or jaw pain without any chest pain.It’s never too early to call 999 and describe your symptoms I f you think you or somebody you’re with is having a heart attack, don’t be tempted to wait to see what happens.The faster you seek medical assistance, the better your chances
Find out more here. Heart attack – NHS (

Stay Well This WinterCold weather can seriously endanger your health if you’re an older or vulnerable person. But there are things you can do protect yourself and stay well this winter.Find out more here.

Tinnitus SupportTinnitus is the sensation of hearing a sound when there is no external source for that sound. Someone with tinnitus may hear ringing, buzzing, hissing, whistling or other noises. Find local support here.

Mental HealthGet mental health and emotional wellbeing support online at the Derby and Derbyshire Emotional Health and Wellbeing website.You can also call the Derbyshire Mental Health Helpline and Support Service on 0800 028 0077.Find support here.

Derbyshire Mental Health Jargon Buster:Download the Jargon Buster which can help you navigate the language, jargon and acronyms used in the Derby and Derbyshire mental health sector.Download here: Derbyshire Mental Health Jargon Buster

StoptoberIt’s Stoptober – the perfect time to quit smoking. If you’re ready to kick the habit, then get in touch with Live Life Better Derbyshire & join a FREE stop smoking clinic. Call 0800 085 2299 or visit you’re trying to quit smoking this Stoptober, then why not download Derbyshire County Council’s FREE My Quit Route app? It’s designed to help you kick the habit for good.Find out more online:

Breast Cancer Awareness Month

October is breast cancer awareness month. Breast cancer is the most common cancer in the UK, representing 15% of all new cancer cases. You can find out more about what to look out for on here: has some risk of getting breast cancer, but there are easy everyday ways to help reduce your risk.Take a quick quiz and learn more about prevention plans here: breast cancer awareness month find out more about the signs & symptoms at Breast Cancer UK here:
World Menopause DayWorld Menopause Day is led by the International Menopause Society and held annually on 18th October. It is intended to raise awareness of the menopause and to support options to improve health and well-being for older women.

During World Menopause Month, let’s talk about it openly. It’s a normal, natural part of the aging process, yet many women are still worried about going through menopause. Sure, there are some less desirable symptoms that accompany changing hormones — like hot flashes — but there are also things to celebrate, such as no more periods, PMS, or worrying about unwanted pregnancies. Add to that the increased self-confidence, self-awareness, and greater freedom that menopause often brings, and October can become a time of amazing personal growth and excitement. Embrace it, don’t try to erase it!For more information:
Menopause Symptoms. Menopausal Symptoms : Menopause Matters

Supporting those affected by dementia who are under the age of 65People who are aged under 65 and affected by dementia are now able to benefit from the support of a specialist advisor. The aim of the Younger People with Dementia project is to ensure there is a clear and collaborative diagnostic process and pathway which is specific to those with young onset dementia.
Lisa Byrne is the Young Onset Dementia Advisor and will consider the special attention needed for young onset dementia suffers, their needs with regards to the transition between the assessment service and beyond and will offer information and advice to both pre and post diagnostic cases. She will also work collaboratively with others to provide comprehensive services that are age appropriate and meet the needs of the younger person with dementia and their families.Another aim of the project is to look at how to collaborate with people with a young onset dementia diagnosis and involve them in the development of age appropriate services and how to consider, plan and provide access to age-appropriate and meaningful activities.We aim to enable younger people and their families to remain engaged in their communities and retain and develop relationships and social interaction.If you’d like to know more about this exciting project, please contact Lisa at or call 01332 208 845.
Cost of Living Payments 2023/24

From 31st October, millions of households across the UK will receive a Cost-of-Living Payment worth £300.This is the second of three new payments totalling £900 in 2023/24, providing a financial boost to support the most vulnerable in society.Find out more online here: Cost of Living Payments 2023 to 2024 – GOV.UK (
Welfare Benefits Check UpThousands of people in Derbyshire are missing out on benefits that are theirs by right. Sometimes the benefits system doesn’t make it easy for you to understand the rules about benefits or how to claim the benefits you are entitled to. Derbyshire County Council can help you find out about the benefits you’re entitled to and how to claim.Find out more here: Welfare benefits – Derbyshire County Council
Energy Efficiency Support
More than 300,000 families are set to save hundreds of pounds on their bills thanks to new energy efficiency upgrades.

The government has launched the Great British Insulation Scheme to help families to get free or cheaper insulation to reduce their home’s energy bills.

Families in lower council tax bands with less energy-efficient homes will be offered vital upgrades – such as roof, loft or cavity wall insulation – which could cut their annual energy bill by an average of between £300 to £400. 

You might be eligible to get support if your home:has an energy performance certificate (EPC) of D to G – check your EPCis in Council Tax bands A-D in England or A-E in Scotland or Wales – check your Council Tax bandFind out more about the Great British Insulation Scheme online here.
NHS Healthy Start Scheme If you’re more than 10 weeks pregnant or have a child under four years old, you may be entitled to get help to buy healthy food and milk through the NHS Healthy Start SchemeIf you’re eligible, you’ll be sent a Healthy Start card with money on it that you can use in some UK shops.Find out more about the NHS Healthy Start Scheme online here.
Citizens AdviceCitizens Advice Bureau have trained advisers who can advise on;·      energy switching to save money·      applications for warm home discount and other grants·      signing up to priority service registers·      money-saving tips·      reducing your water bill and·      a variety of other things designed to save you money.The Citizen’s Advice Service can also help you look at ways to maximise your household’s income, including checking whether you are eligible for any benefits and grants.The CAB have a partnership with Western Power Distribution through the ‘Power Up’ projects to ensure that people in the Midlands, South West and Wales receive free, independent, confidential and impartial advice on energy, benefits, and health related issues.For more information, and to book an appointment call this free advice line number: 0808 278 7954.For web-based information and support on the following issues, the national Citizen’s Advice Bureau has a comprehensive website.
Call DerbyshireCold weather is especially dangerous for young children, older people or people with serious illnesses. If you are concerned about anyone you can Call Derbyshire on 01629 533190.Call Derbyshire is open from 8am to 6pm, Monday to Friday and from 9.30am to 4pm Saturdays. 

Community Groups in South Derbyshire

There are a number of community groups in South Derbyshire running a wide range of activities and services. If you would like to join a group then get in touch with South Derbyshire CVS on 01283 219761 or email You can also check out our website.
Looking to start or join a group?

If you have an idea for a new group, or are looking for a group to join one, then contact us at South Derbyshire CVS and we can get you the information you need. We also support existing groups.

01283 219761 

If you want to help local people in need, please consider donating to us. Learn more and donate at the link:

Parking is Difficult!

Parking in Repton is a perpetual problem – there are simply not enough spaces in the right places for

all the residents, guests and visitors. It seems worse at certain times of the day and on certain days

of the week.

Repton Parish Council, together with the responsible bodies, is embarking on an awareness campaign that could, in due course, lead to enforcement action. Please do not cause an obstruction when you park in Repton.

Paragraph 242 of the Highway Code says “You MUST NOT leave your vehicle or trailer in a dangerous position or where it causes any unnecessary obstruction of the road.” Please do not park so close to residents’ driveways that they cannot see to exit – respect the white lines! Please do not park opposite residents’ and farm driveways such that their vehicles cannot enter or exit easily – this is a particular problem on Well Lane and Brook End.  Pavement parking causes an obstruction to pedestrians and poses particular difficulties for blind and partially-sighted people, wheelchair and mobility scooter users and those with pushchairs and prams.

Paragraph 244 of the Highway Code says “You MUST NOT park partially or wholly on the pavement … unless signs permit it.” There are no signs in Repton permitting pavement parking. This is a

particular problem in parts of Repton where pedestrians are sometimes forced onto the road.

With all your help we can at least improve the parking for all of us, with no more than a little thought for our neighbours!

Notice of Vacancy in Office of Councillor

Parish of Repton
that a casual vacancy has arisen in the Office of Councillor for the Parish Council.
If by 13 October, 2023 (14 days excluding Dies Non, after the date of this notice) a request for an
election to fill said vacancy is made in writing to the Returning Officer at the address below by
TEN electors for the said Parish, an election will be held to fill the said vacancy, otherwise the
vacancy will be filled by co-option.
If an election is called, it will take place not later than 15 December, 2023.
Dated 25 September, 2023
Ardip Sandhu
Returning Officer
Civic Offices
Civic Way
DE11 0AH

The Mitre Field – We Need Your Opinions

As you may be aware, the Parish Council are exploring various options to improve the facilities at the Mitre Field. To make sure this is a real success we need to know what you think – and so we have a very short survey that you can fill in by clicking here – it takes less than 5 minutes to complete, and would help us greatly.

Councillor Vacancy

Would you or someone you know, like to be involved in representing the Repton Parish?  Repton Parish Council has a casual vacancy for one councillor, due to only 10 out of the 11 seats being filled by an uncontested Election this year.   This means that the vacancy can be filled by co-opting a councillor.

Before applying for the role please ensure you have read the Councillor Description and Expectations and the Code of Conduct. These can be found here on our website, or contact the Clerk.

Application forms need to be submitted to the Clerk no later than 9th May 2023.

The co-option will occur at the May meeting, which will be held on 11th May 2023 at 19:30 in Milton Village Hall.

Any queries please contact our Clerk, Caroline, on 07341 907137 or