A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in April
Broomhills Pavilion
The Parish Council has now agreed a schedule of works for improvements to Broomhills Pavilion. The Pavilion is in need of refurbishment and this project should greatly benefit all those who use the facilities. The areas of work include improvements to the windows, external doors, shower area, flooring, kitchen area and internal redecoration. The Chairman will now consult with South Derbyshire District Council regarding the works and the funds available before quotes are obtained and the work commences.
Following the recent bad weather the condition of the roads has deteriorated even further and Derbyshire County Council has announced an additional £2 million pounds to the funds previously announced last month and it is very easy and straightforward to directly report a problem:
On the website www.derbyshire.gov.uk if you enter ‘contact us’ an online form can be completed. Alternatively ‘Call Derbyshire’ telephone 01629 533190 is open Monday to Fridays 8.00am – 8.00pm and on Saturday from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Or, you can write to the County Council at County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG. Please report any serious problems before an accident can happen.
Repton Village Hall Proposal
The Parish Council has now completed the application for borrowing approval for a loan to assist with the rebuilding of a new village hall. The forms have been sent to our local association, Derbyshire Association for Local Councils, and will then subsequently be forwarded to the Department for Communities and Local Government. It is hoped that the funds will be available in the next few months, so that the work can commence.
Water Supply
The water supply to the allotments and burial ground has been turned off over the winter to avoid burst pipes. The taps will be turned on again during the first week in May, as hopefully the cold weather will then be behind us.
Village Signs
The Parish Council is currently obtaining quotes to repaint the ‘Repton – Historic Capital of Mercia’ signs, which have deteriorated over recent years. The directional sign at the top of Boot Hill is also in need of repair and this work should be completed shortly.
Next meeting: Monday 14th May 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council