Did you know that civil enforcement officers have replaced traditional traffic wardens and are responsible for enforcing:
- Limited Waiting Bays
- Double and Single Yellow Lines
- On Street Pay and Display Bays
- Residents’ Parking Zones
- Blue Badge Bays
- Loading Bays
- Bus Stops
- Taxi Bays
- School Keep Clears
- Clearways
- Dropped Kerb Access (also Police)
- Double Parking (also Police)
- Pedestrian Crossings (also Police)
- Car Parks (with orders)
To report issues that the civil enforcement officers enforce such as double yellows or school zig zags please report direct via email: contact.centre@derbyshire.gov.uk or by Calling: 01629 533190
The police are responsible for enforcing:
- Double White Lines
- Obstruction – For example, pavements with No Parking Restrictions
- Dangerous Parking where there are no restrictions in place, for example, On Bends, Brows Of Hills and Junctions
- Dropped Kerb Access (Also Civil Enforcement Officers)
- Double Parking (Also Civil Enforcement Officers)
- One-Way Traffic
- Box Junctions
- Access Only
- White-Hatched Areas
- Pedestrian Crossings (Also Civil Enforcement Officers)
For Police related offences, please call 101