As you may be aware, the Parish Council are exploring various options to improve the facilities at the Mitre Field. To make sure this is a real success we need to know what you think – and so we have a very short survey that you can fill in by clicking here – it takes less than 5 minutes to complete, and would help us greatly.
Councillor Vacancy
Would you or someone you know, like to be involved in representing the Repton Parish? Repton Parish Council has a casual vacancy for one councillor, due to only 10 out of the 11 seats being filled by an uncontested Election this year. This means that the vacancy can be filled by co-opting a councillor.
Before applying for the role please ensure you have read the Councillor Description and Expectations and the Code of Conduct. These can be found here on our website, or contact the Clerk.
Application forms need to be submitted to the Clerk no later than 9th May 2023.
The co-option will occur at the May meeting, which will be held on 11th May 2023 at 19:30 in Milton Village Hall.
Any queries please contact our Clerk, Caroline, on 07341 907137 or
Coronation Picnic!
To celebrate the coronation on Saturday 7th May, there is a picnic event a the Mitre Field with music from Boss & Co. Everyone welcome!
Parish Council Elections 2023
Please find a list of all persons standing for the posts of Parish Councillor for Repton Parish Council in the 4th May 2023 elections