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May 2019 Jottings

The kissing gate has now been installed at the entrance to Broomhills playing field. It should make the field more secure whilst also providing appropriate access.

The signs on the High Street, limiting the time for parking, are redundant and it is planned that Derbyshire County Council highways department will remove them in the near future. Until the signs are removed there is an outside chance of getting a parking ticket which can be overturned on appeal.

Thank you to Trevor Skeith and Ewan Thompson who have mended the finger post at the Cross.

Take care on the footpath 9, part way between FP 10 and FP6, some of the staked boards and fencing is not very safe. We are investigating who is responsible for the repair.

The plan for an extension to the arboretum is progressing and we hope to have a report from SDDC regarding the lay out and appropriate trees, so that planting can begin in late autumn.

Progress continues on protection of the Cross. Permission has been granted for renovation and we are now checking for quotations. A donation is being given from Derbyshire County Council. The highways department is investigating repair and reconstruction of the surrounding paved area.

We have had complaints regarding unemptied litter bins up at Longlands. This is the responsibility of the developer. We shall be writing to them to remind them of this, but it would be helpful if concerned residents could also contact them.

We send our thanks to the retiring councillors, Barbara McArdle, John McGhan, Peter Rainey, Trevor Skeith and Ewan Thompson. They all contributed so much to the work of the council, and did a lot of hard work behind the scenes. We are very grateful for them volunteering to assist us on our Working Groups where their knowledge will be invaluable.

The present members of the Parish Council are; David Dickson, Carol Lloyd (Chairman), John Perks (Vice Chairman), Jonathon Sheldon, Gary Steel and Mel Thomas. We are hoping to co-opt five new members at our next meeting which will bring us up to full strength.

Carol Lloyd. Chairman