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February 2019 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in February

 New Parish Clerk

My name is Sue Redman and I am the new Parish Clerk. I have some experience in the role of Parish Clerk, from when I worked for Measham Parish Council. I am looking forward to this new challenge and working on behalf of Repton Parish Council.

My office hours are Monday 12.30pm – 4.30pm and Wednesday 12.30pm- 4.30pm.

I would like to thank Susan Reilly for all the help and support she has given me over the last few weeks.

At the Parish Council Meeting on Monday 11th February, the Chairperson presented Susan with a bouquet of flowers and on behalf of the Parish Council thanked her for all her hard work, which has been much appreciated.

 Safer Neighbourhoods Community Funding – New Streetlight

I am pleased to report that a grant of £1400.00 has been awarded for a new street light. The new light will be situated on footpath 27; this will provided welcomed additional lighting. We hope the new light will be installed over the next few months.

 Footpaths 13 & 14, Meadow Lane towards Twyford

If you can help with the Parish Council’s application to upgrade footpath 13 and onwards towards footpath 14 and the river Trent as a bridleway for public use, we would be very grateful. Councillor Dickson has found historical evidence of a public bridleway from Brook End leading towards Twyford and this information has been documented. We are required to supply evidence that this route is used by members of the public and the necessary forms are available at the Parish Council office. We have already received some completed forms, many thanks; however we still require a few more. Should you use this route, now or in the past, please could you contact the office and complete an evidence form, which would greatly assist this application. Many thanks. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

Next meeting: Monday 11th March 2019 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Sue Redman, Clerk to the Council