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October 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in October

 Allotments

We currently do not have a waiting list for the allotment plots, which are often returned during the winter months, or at renewal time in January. Should you wish to be considered for an allotment plot and live in Repton or Milton please contact me and I can add your name to the list. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Broomhills Pavilion and Field

The Parish Council has now submitted the application to South Derbyshire District Council for additional funding to improve and renovate the pavilion and we would welcome interest from any local groups who are keen in developing new clubs and activities, funding may be available to help with the initial development. If you know of any clubs or groups please ask them to contact the Parish Council to discuss their requirements.
Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Footpaths 13 & 14, Meadow Lane towards Twyford

The Parish Council is to apply to Derbyshire County Council to upgrade footpath 13 and onwards towards footpath 14 and the river Trent as a bridleway for public use. Councillor Dickson has found historical evidence of a public bridleway from Brook End leading towards Twyford and this information has been documented. The Parish Council is required to contact the landowner regarding this application and if you know their contact details please could you inform us. We are also required to supply evidence that this route is used by members of the public and the necessary forms are being sent to the Parish Council. Should you use this route please could you also contact us and complete an evidence form, which will greatly assist this application. Many thanks. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Lampost on Footpath 27, Springfield Road

The Parish Council has been asked by local residents to install a lamppost on Footpath 27. People are using this footpath as a route from the new housing development to the High Street and it is extremely dark without the provision of additional lighting. The Parish Council is to apply to the Safer Neighbourhood’s Fund for a grant which should cover just under fifty per cent of the cost, and if successful, the Parish Council will then fund the remainder of the installation costs and also the annual energy charge. We hope this will greatly enhance this route and ensure residents feel safer using this route during the darker nights.

Next meeting: Monday 11th November 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council