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September 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in September

 Allotments

We currently have a very small waiting list for any allotment plots that may become vacant. Plots are often returned during the winter months, or at renewal time in January. Should you wish to be considered for an allotment plot and live in Repton or Milton please contact me and I can add your name to the list. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Broomhills Pavilion and Field

Broomhills Field and Pavilion is a village facility which is available for use by local sporting clubs. The Parish Council is currently applying for additional funding to improve and renovate the pavilion and we would welcome additional interest from local groups who are keen in developing new clubs and activities. If you know of any clubs or groups please ask them to contact the Parish Council to discuss their requirements.

Telephone: 01283 701309 or

  Free Large Water Bottles

We still have a few of the water bottles left, they are of the 15 litre size and by cutting off the base they make ideal plastic cloches for plants, especially those in pots. They are free to collect and should you wish to have one please contact me on Monday or Wednesdays afternoons. Contact details are: Telephone: 01283 701309 or

 Repton Planter and Sign

The Parish Council has asked for a meeting with a representative of the Highways Department at Derbyshire County Council to agree a suitable location for a planter in Repton. The two planters in Milton, supplied by the Parish Council, have looked beautiful this summer and it is hoped that one will be in full bloom in Repton next year. The Parish Council has also agreed to purchase a fourth ‘Repton historic capital of Mercia’ sign, which again after consultation with Derbyshire County Council, will be located at the ‘Wood End’ entrance to the village.

 Cinder Track, Repton

The Parish Council has repeatedly asked for the shrubs and brambles at the side of the Cinder Track to be cut back and many local residents have also reported this problem. This matter was mentioned again at our September meeting and District Councillor Peter Smith will raise this issue, on our behalf, with the local Council.

 Parish Meeting

Twice a year, currently in March and October, the Parish Council holds a Parish Meeting, the Spring one being held in Repton and the Autumn one in Milton. This

is an opportunity for local residents to raise local issues that may not always be discussed at the Parish Council meetings. Also, during Parish Council meetings there are rules regarding public speaking, which is limited, and for the majority of the time only the Councillors are able to speak. Parish meetings are for the people of the parishes we represent and public participation is fully allowed.

Next meeting: Monday 8th October 2018 in Milton Village Hall, Milton, the Parish Meeting is at 7.00pm, followed by the Parish Council Meeting at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council