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June 2018 Jottings

A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in June

 Repton Village Hall

The Parish Council has now formally applied to the Department for Communities and Local Government for the loan to assist with the rebuilding of a new village hall. Documents regarding this application are displayed on the Parish Council website, the Village Hall website, and also within the village hall. Should you wish to see the full documentation, which has been sent in support of this application, please contact the Parish Council office, where a paper copy of the application is available. It is hoped that a response from the Government should be received over the coming weeks.

 Village Signs

The Parish Council is currently obtaining quotes to restore the ‘Repton, Historic Capital of Mercia’ signs which are located in the village. It is anticipated that during the summer they will be removed and repainted and should be back in place again before the winter months.

The finger sign post at the top of Boot Hill is also currently being repaired, one of the directional finger signs was broken, and again the work should be completed over the summer months.

 Summer Activities
The Parish Council is pleased to announce that its summer activities have started and the following events are still to take place:

Tuesday 7th of August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile Tuesday 14th August 2.00 – 4.00pm Adventure Mobile Tuesday 21st August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile

The Adventure Mobile is aimed at 5-16 year olds and will include the Laser Combat Arena and the new Inflatable Mountain Climb. There will also be Soft Archery, Rounders and Circus Skills. The Play Mobile offers a range of play and craft activities – bouncy castle, space hoppers, sack races etc. and is aimed at 5 – 12 year olds. The Sport Mobile activity contains a range of sporting equipment – football, cricket etc.and is aimed at 8 – 16 year olds and there are two evening sessions. This year it includes a Mountain Bike Challenge course, which includes ramps and balance beams, bikes will be provided but young people are encouraged to bring their own. All the activities do, however, require fine weather! Under 8’s should have a responsible adult with them at all times. We hope that these activities will provide fun and enjoyment during the school summer holidays!

 Public Rights of Way

Councillors are currently checking the condition of some of our local public rights of way. The Parish Council receives a small amount of funding for the routine maintenance of these footpaths and can also report major issues, such as severely overgrown public rights of way to Derbyshire County Council, for investigation. If you have noticed or experienced any problems with the public

rights of way in Repton or Milton, please let us know. If you could provide the exact location of the footpath or its number that would significantly help us to locate the problem.

Next meeting: Monday 9th July 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. All are welcome.

Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council