A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in May
New Parish Council Chairman
At the Annual General Meeting Carol Lloyd was elected as Chairman of
the Parish Council. Carol brings a wealth of knowledge to the role and the Councillors wish her well in the year ahead. Carol is actively involved in many local events and is well known to local residents.
Councillors are pleased to announce that the Parish Council is funding two planters to be located on the grass verges in Milton – one at each end of the village, close to the existing benches. They should be in place, ready planted with summer colour, early in June and will provide a welcoming sight for local residents and visitors to Milton. The Parish Council had also applied to locate a third planter on the crossing triangle, close to Repton Cross. However, the Highways Department at Derbyshire County Council raised concerns regarding the location being too close to the highway. Councillors will now consider other sites for a planter in Repton.
Summer Activities
The Parish Council is pleased to announce the following activities which will take place during the school summer holidays. These are free of charge for all local young people, as they are funded by the Parish Council.
Tuesday 24th July 2.00 – 4.00pm Play Mobile
Tuesday 7th of August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile Tuesday 14th August 2.00 – 4.00pm Adventure Mobile Tuesday 21st August 6.00 – 8.00pm Sports Mobile
The Adventure Mobile is aimed at 5-16 year olds and will include the Laser Combat Arena and the new Inflatable Mountain Climb. There will also be Soft Archery, Rounders and Circus Skills. The Play Mobile offers a range of play and craft activities – bouncy castle, space hoppers, sack races etc. and is aimed at 5 – 12 year olds. The Sport Mobile activity contains a range of sporting equipment – football, cricket etc.and is aimed at 8 – 16 year olds and there are two evening sessions. This year it includes a Mountain Bike Challenge course, which includes ramps and balance beams, bikes will be provided but young people are encouraged to bring their own. All the activities do, however, require fine weather! Under 8’s should have a responsible adult with them at all times. We hope that these activities will provide fun and enjoyment during the school summer holidays!
Area Forum
Local residents often contact us with queries regarding pot holes, parking, traffic, crime etc, over which the Parish Council has no powers to act. The arena in which to raise these issues is at the Area Forum where the local police, council officers, district and county councillors will be present and able to answer queries. The next area forum is at Repton Village Hall on Tuesday the 19th of June at6.30pm. Please take this opportunity to raise these local issues with your representatives.
Willington Bus Shelter
The Parish Council is also pleased to announce that it has provided financial assistance for the new bus shelter, on the south side of the road, close to the doctors’ surgery, in Willington. Many local residents will use this surgery and it is hoped that residents waiting for the bus to return to Repton will appreciate this shelter – especially during the winter months!
Next meeting: Monday 11th June 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, at 7.30pm. All are welcome.
Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council