A monthly newsletter following the Parish Council meeting in February
Broomhills Pavilion
Councillors have established a working group to oversee improvements to Broomhills Pavilion. The Parish Council is planning to carry out a significant upgrade and refurbishment of the building, which would benefit all those who use the facilities. An electrical survey has already been carried out and internal improvements, for example to the kitchen area, are also planned.
Councillors are noticing and reporting the many potholes which are appearing in our local roads. Derbyshire County Council is responsible for the maintenance of the highways and it is very easy and straightforward to directly report a problem. On the website www.derbyshire.gov.uk if you enter ‘contact us’ an online form can be completed. Alternatively ‘Call Derbyshire’ telephone 01629 533190 is open Monday to Fridays 8.00am – 8.00pm and on Saturday from 9.30am to 4.00pm. Or, you can write to the County Council at County Hall, Matlock DE4 3AG. Please report any serious problems before an accident can happen.
The Parish Council is to extend the Arboretum on Pinfold Lane to a further plot across the road. South Derbyshire District Council has agreed, in principle, to the use of the land, the full details, are to be agreed over the coming months. Once the plot is available for use we will invite requests for the planting of trees, in memory of loved ones.
Litter Picking
Councillor Barbara McArdle is to co-ordinate a further littler picking group, to ensure that our neighbourhood is one of which we can be proud and we can report that many local residents have also contacted us to borrow the litter pickers, so that they can improve the local area themselves. Should you wish to borrow litter pickers or join the group please contact either Councillor McArdle or the Parish Council office: reptoncouncil@btinternet.com or telephone 01283 701309. Many thanks to all those who are already helping.
The allotment agreements for 2018 have now been issued and if you have not returned your agreement and fee please do so as soon as possible. Should you not wish to retain the plot please let us know so that we can find a new allotment holder. A waiting list is maintained in the Parish Council office and should you be interested please contact us, the rents are extremely reasonable.
Next meeting: Monday 12th March 2018 in The Community Room, Fisher Close, Repton, commencing with a Parish Meeting at 7..00pm. All are welcome.
Susan Reilly, Clerk to the Council